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Your Cat May Not Show it Directly, but they Enjoy the Walk


Gloria Vanderbilt Mid-Walk

I've been training Gloria Vanderbilt to walk on a leash. She's not a natural; I have to take it slow, and so I am. Keep in mind this important fact; most cats are terrified of going to new places, especially when harnessed as their main source of defense -- escape -- is denied them when leashed. So getting your cat over that particual hump takes time, love, and bucketsfull of patience.

But throughout the process, there are small payoffs. I got one of those today. I've been walking Gloria nearly every day at a local park. The first couple of times her curiosity made me think this might go faster than I'd hoped. The park is lousy with crows and squirrels, so there was a lot to snag her attention. But now, a month later, she's doesn't really seem any further along.

But yet, she is.

And with Gloria her tail, which is generally tucked safely between her back legs, twitches, and occasionally rises, happily, securely, proudly, and reveals the changes purcolating within. are moments where she has fun. Maybe it's the discovery and chase of a sunning lizard. A smell too deliciously informative to pass up. Or even an irresistible roll in a sun-warmed sandy patch.

And with Gloria her tail, which is generally tucked safely between her back legs, twitches, and occasionally rises, happily, securely, proudly, and reveals the changes purcolating just below the surface.

One day, for sure, it will reach a boil.

Today she succumbed to a happy roll in the warm sand. She lapped at her mid-walk treat with gusto. And then, as we headed back to the car, something AWESOME happend. I opened the door, and instead of immediately jumping up into the the front seat, she looked at it, then turned to walk some more.

Eureka! Okay, I didn't have much time, but we walked about for another 5 to 10 minutes before returning to the car. I was late returning from lunch, but so be it. This was one of those days. We walked into a part of the park we hadn't gone before, and while I let her lead at first, I soon took over, and she didn't fight it. Much (:

When we returned to the car, she jumped in and we headed home. I'm pretty sure I had a goofy smile on my face the entire trip.



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