Prior to the pandemic, I did most of my writing and work on projects at one of my favorite cafes. In SF, I had a plethora of choices. Here in Union City, not so much. That's okay. I adjusted. And when I need city vibes, I can always head to SF for an afternoon or evening of creating.

Then came the pandemic...and cafes were no longer an option. For many reasons, my schedule was shot, fraught with indecision, and work on my projects languished. In the last couple of months, things have creeped back to something like they were pre-pandemic. Or, at least, they're headed that way. Cafes are now offering up limited seating, but I'm not quite ready for that. Recently, I did work at a cafe's outdoor seating. It was nice, but still lacking.
So here I am in Gloria and Anderson's favorite park, Lizardlandia. Gloria LOVES to sit and just take in the smells and sights. She's happy doing this for quite some time. Enough time to take out the laptop and make some progress. When she's ready to move on, she'll let me know, but even then, she can be rather patient.

So this is my new "cafe". The outdoors. A cat enjoying the day beside me. Next time I'll bring an iced mojito with me and sip on that while I work. It's too early to call this my new norm...but man, it sure feels good at the moment.